

34th Site: Kochi Sake Breweing Association
住所: 高知県高知市廿代町15-33
TEL: 088-823-3558
営業時間: 月曜〜金曜9時〜16時30分受付。土・日曜・祝日、年末年始休。*お酒の提供はいたしません。

[ Mirror of Sake Brewing Association ]
It was a woman that managed 'Kochi Sake Brewing Association' (As well as Tokushima Prefecture). Their name is Ms. Akihisa and Ms. Morinishi. They are working hard to collect profitable information for the brewing manufacture in Kochi prefecture and to familiarize sake in Kochi prefecture day and night. Now they try to promote of 'Tosa space sake' put on the market last year hardly.

To be belief for someone not knowing about it yet、 ”Tosa space sake” is made by "Yeast fungus of the world first that launches into space with Soyuz and returned" last year. It seems to launch the brewer's rice continuously next year. Well、 I asked、 “What kind of sake is it?” And he answered、 “When you drink it、 you can feel swimming in the weightlessness space.” Don’t say that it is only you get drunk. It is the tradition of Tosa that people work on these things seriously. Why don’t you drinking it?

Ms. Akihisa and Ms. Morinishi became a union member 30 years ago. They are veteran.
Q: Why did you enter this industry?
A:”Well. Because I like drinking sake. “
Q: By the way、 what are your hobbies?
A: “Of course、 it is drinking. "
Q: How much you drink at night?
A: “It is not so much. (Actually、 it means so much in Kochi.)”
Q: What do you keep in mind usually?”
A: (Unanimously. )"We expand the consumption of sake.”
To be belief、 It is walking with drinking sake.
Thank you for a very comprehensible answer there is not a fragment of refined.
Q: Please a word about the Brewery Union member in Kochi Prefecture.
A:"There are a lot of young people、 so this union is harmonious. This union is in order the best around the country.”
Well、 30 years ago is the time that Present presidents of breweries were students of elementary school. Ms. Akihisa and Ms. Morinshi have been taking care of them since those days. So、 this union is in order so much.

「右が秋久さん 左が森西さん 酒造メーカー社長は誰も文句が言えない」
右が秋久さん 左が森西さん 酒造メーカー社長は誰も文句が言えない
From Breweries

 銀座に『すきやばし次郎』という有名な寿司屋さんがある。高知市の人に「すきやばし次郎さん」のお顔について尋ねてもおそらく殆ど誰も知らないだろうが、「おびやまち太郎さん」のことを聞くと、地元の人ならほぼみんながみんな答えられる。ミシュランの三つ星店に匹敵(但し高知限定)するこの『帯屋町太郎』とは、実は飲食店ではなく、高知市の帯屋町商店街近辺を徘徊しながら誰彼かまわず元気よくあいさつして回る「変なおじさん」のこと。ただあいさつするだけで、仙台市の『仙台四郎』のように訪れたお店が後々繁盛するか・・・というとそういう話は全くないようである。反面、一説には女性、特に女子高生には積極的に声をかけるようだとの定説もある。どうやら、ただの困ったおじさんらしい。(笑) 最近では同じような名物として『わが名はジュリー』という人も出没するらしい。高知ってそういう土地柄なの?(涙)


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帯屋町太郎 2008.01.21
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